Saturday, March 27, 2010

Miss Maci

We are trying to capture Maci's beautiful personality, but it never fails when we do, her tongue is always out and she looks down just as we take the picture. Oh well, it is still fun dressing her up and taking pictures. Can't believe how big she is getting!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where did the time go

I am not for sure where the time has gone this past 2 1/2 months! Being a mother has been THE most rewarding, hardest jobs ever. What a blessing Maci has brough to our family. We have been fortunate to have both myself and Eric home these past 3 months to share in Maci's growth. We have really tried to take advantage of our time and do as much as we can while we are both off work. Here are pictures to show our what we have been up to

First Bath

Visit From Grandma

Enjoying some Tummy Time :)

Meeting Grandpa Jones

Maci turning one month old

Maci's first trip to the beach

All bundeld up for her walk

First documented smile

Maci meeting her Pop in Indiana

Turning two months in Indiana

Maci meeting Great Grandmother Schauss and documenting a 4 generation event!

Spending time with Grandma in Indiana

Maci pretty in her Sunday Dress

Maci and Mom haning out in Indiana

Seeing my cousin Kris and her family. Our visit was WAY to short!!

Having to say goodbye to Grandparents in Indiana :(

Maci, Eric and I have had an incredible first 2 1/2 months! We can't imagine our lives without Maci. It was such a wonderful experience to bring Maci back to Indiana to meet all of my family (except for all of her Uncles and Aunt:() Pop and Grandma were so loving and what a blessing to have Maci spendtime with my Grandmother, her Great Grandmother.