Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Life is extremely trying right now, but...........I know I will always have these guys to keep me going!

Monday, October 3, 2011

So blessed

I'm so blessed to have happy girls!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Since I have been MIA

Well, since I have been MIA, a lot has happened in the Jones household. As you can see from the last post, we added a new addition to our family in February. Addelyn, aka..Addie, has brought a lot of tears to our life AND a lot of laughter. As Addie turned 3 weeks old, Colic presented itself! That was the start of a very black cloud over our life. I will come back to this subject in another post, but let's just say I had NO idea how strong us mommies and daddies could really be under extreme stress:) Maci meanwhile has been growing like crazy. She is now 21 months and never stops smiling, joking, running, talking (babbling), and keeping me on my toes! Eric is on his way to becoming a Firefighter. During this past year, he has been in the Fire Acadmey at one of the local Fire Districts as well as becoming a Volunteer Fireman. The station absolutely LOVES him and he has been working his tail off to hopefully getting on their list to be picked. I have been lucky to be at home with our 2 girls and let me tell you, "they" weren't lying when "they" say you can't put a price on a stay-at-home parent. Whoa!!! What a job, but those rewarding moments make the "job" word go all away!

It's a CRAZY life, but its OUR life!!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Introducing Addelyn Marie Jones

Happy Birthday---Feb 23, 2011
Addelyn Marie Jones
7 lbs 19 inch

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Once again I am a slacker. I don't know why I procrastinate so much when it comes to updating this thing. Isn't blogging supposed to be fun? hehe

Well, Keeping up with the Jones' this past couple of months would have been hard to do. We have been extremely busy. The holidays kept bringing firsts to our home--Maci's first Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the most important--HER 1st BIRTHDAY!!! Eric is staying busy with his Fireman Career and I have been just trying to keep up with a now 1 year-old being almost 34 weeks pregnant. Maci had a blast on Thanksgiving being able to eat just about all the fixins' instead of baby food and Christmas/Santa was so memorable! It was so fun, yet surreal, to watch her upon gifts. Eric and I just sat back ( I with a tear in my eye!) and smiled because there is nothing like watching little ones at Christmas! I missed my family terribly, but thank goodness for Skype!!!! Here are some pics of the couple of months!

Birthday pics will be posted soon!!

Maci was a little full at Thanksgiving!

11 months already!

A Christmas Tree Maci's size!

Maci absolutely LOVED our tree. By the time Christmas came, ALL the ornaments were on only the top part of the tree.

Maci's new tricycle from Grandma

Christmas with Grandma