Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Checking In

Just wanted to let my avid followers (if I have know that I am still alive. It is crazy how much life gets away from you and before you know it, it has been over a month since I blogged. It seems like January has gone by so fast! I have been meaning to sit down in front of the computer every weekend to update my blog, but I always think that everyone wants to see pictures because reading one's blah, blah, blah probably isn't the most fun thing to do and I don't have any pics to share right now. I do have some exciting news though, Eric and I are going on our belated Honeymoon next weekend to CANCUN and we can hardly wait. I will for sure have pics to share then and hopefully some fun stories. Sorry about the lame post and get ready in a couple of weeks for redeeming one!


Cameron and Cindy said...

BETH!! Have fun in Cancun! Great to hear that you are doing well. :)

Mags said...

I love your blog! I don't know if you two could get any cuter! Have fun in Cancun, I'm jealous you'll be getting some sun. Love ya!

Catherine said...

Have a blast!

Kris said...

I'm so jealous!!! BTW, love your background!

Catherine said...

DUDE!!!! Where's your honeymoon pics???!!!