Come January 16th, Eric will officially be outnumbered by the girls! Yes, that is right, the Jones' are having a girl. We had our ultra sound a couple of weeks ago and the announcement of a girl was just the topper. Eric and I were both counting the toes, fingers, arms and legs before we rejoiced of the sex. Check on all the above! All we truly cared about was her health. She is growing right on schedule and looks beautiful. As soon as I figure out how to post the ultrasound picture, I will, but the verdict is she has my nose and from the looks of it, her lips are comin' from her momma! Eric is thrilled to be a daddy to a baby girl and what a wonderful father he will be!
This experience, though it is only half way through, has been a very reflective, interesting one for me. Eric has been working more than sleeping and eating put together, so I have been by myself a lot thinking, talking to her, and thinking about being a mom. During these thought moments, there isn't a time that I don't reflect back on my mother and watching her mother us. It is amazing how fast the roles switch when you become pregnant--all of a sudden, YOU are the grown up now and when I mean grown up--I mean PARENT. As children, we think we have all the answers and our parents have no idea how we feel, think, or look at the world. I go over in my head so many incidences growing up and take the view looking in as a parent would and I see my mother as truly amazing. Having this little one inside of me, parent means something totally different than it did when I was a child or still to this day as my mother's child. My mom was a graceful mother--She made everything look easy and natural. Will that happen for me? I worry about that. I worry that I will not be strong for her. Will I be able to protect her in any situation. How will I know what is best for her. My mom made it looks so very easy. I pray that Eric and I will know or at least be guided and listen to our heart.
So as far as name go, Eric and I are complete odds. We had a definite name for a boy and we knew if it was going to be a girl, we would have some issues because I have two names I love and he loves the other one. We would love to hear your thoughts about what name you like best:
PS--picture disclaimer: HORRIBLE smile. I had the camera on self timer and I felt so silly smiling to a camera without someone behind it. So, this isn't the best picture, but rather proof of a growing belly.