Monday, April 27, 2009

Play Ball

If any of you know my husband, you will know that Eric counts down the days until Opening Season from the time the winning team takes away the Title of World Series Champs!  You would never know we had other channels on cable from about April-Oct because baseball is ALWAYS on.  Since I have met Eric, I have learned to love the sport.  Quite frankly, if you ask him, he will tell you that I blow his socks off with the baseball knowledge that I have.  Already this year, Eric had to google to make sure I was right because he didn't know the answer!  HA!  I LOVED it!!  So, those of you again who know Eric will know that he played minor league baseball and would go back in a minute if he got "the call".  So, when his baseball league starts our weekends are not as we know them anymore---They are lived at the baseball field.  I have to admit--I love the game and I LOVE the game with my cute husband catching in it.....

Me and my baseball wife buddy! 

"29 and mighty fine"

Friday, April 24, 2009

Congrats Scott...BYU is going to miss you!

I can't believe my little brother is graduating from BYU today! Scott is an amazing person, brother, son, and now husband. I was fortunate, not just to be the older sister and boss him around :), but I was also VERY lucky to be be there to watch him grow up into this fine young man.

Congrats to you too Jana for standing beside him and supporting him through this journey. He is lucky to have you!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

Easter was a very quick trip up North to see Eric's mom.  We love it where she lives so any chance we get to go to see her, we are there!!  We are very fortunate that she lives on the Saratoga Passage which is right before the San Juan Islands AND right next to the Skagit Valley where they are known for the growing the beautiful tulip and daffodil fields.  It is absolutely breath-taking.  This trip we were in between peak seasons of the daffodils and the tulips, but it was still incredible to see the seas of yellow from the daffodil fields.

Driving through Seattle at Sunset

Eric's Mom at a Tulip/Daffodil Garden

Eric and his mom
Eric being silly in front of the tulips
B & E
Have you EVER seen a bigger daffodil?

A daffodil field---I just love the Red Barn in the background.  You should see what it looks like with fields of color from the tulips---INCREDIBLE

Sunset off of E's mom's deck
I made E smile!
Eric fixing his mom's tacky Easter lights.  She has tacky lights for every holiday.  It is pretty funny to see what she has up every holiday!

I LOVE my mother-in-law and fell so lucky and blessed to have her in my life.  She is so good to me and is always so accommodating when we visit.  We wish we could just see her more.  

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring is in the Air

Spring is probably my favorite time of year.  The air has lost its chill, buds begin to show on the trees and come up from the ground, and everything becomes green again.  Speaking of green, the Jones' have a bit of a green thumb this year.  We have made some changes to our back yard and have a better planned garden.  Eric has spent some much time leveling the ground, gathering rocks from the nearby stream and creating what I know will be an awesome crop in a couple of months

We planted our vegetables and flowers, now it is time to water them and watch them grow!!  The dirt off to the left will hopefully be green grass in a couple of months.

Hurley and Cooper watched us while we did all of the work!

Look at this flower box Eric made me for my birthday.....ANOTHER surprise.  He totally outdid himself.  I couldn't believe that he made it!

Cannon Beach

Eric and I joke all of the time that he doesn't surprise me very often and that I am ALWAYS hinting about how I would LOVE to be surprised about anything or with anything--I am not picky!  Well, we have been wanting to take a weekend trip to the coast for quite sometime and so for my birthday Eric SURPRISED me with a trip to the beach.  We stayed in a beautiful Lodge hotel right on the beach.  

This was the view outside of our room.  The rock is called "Haystack Rock".  It is huge!!

Us looking down at Cannon Beach

Eric spent a lot of time on the beach flying is trick kite

Of course, it wouldn't be right if I didn't take a picture of myself :)

We had a wonderful time taking hikes, enjoying the breathtaking views, eating wonderful food, and spending time with each other.  Eric is off the hook for awhile and doesn't have to surprise me for a little while!

I'm Back...what we have been up to

Boy, has it really been a month and a half since I last blogged?  I think it has!  I can't believe how fast 2009 is flying by.  Since I last blogged, this is what we have been up....

Eric dry-walled our unfinished garage

We had a great visit from Eric's sister!

I got a new camera!

And I had an AWESOME 32nd Bday with my husband and incredible friends!  Thank you everyone for making my birthday so special.