If any of you know my husband, you will know that Eric counts down the days until Opening Season from the time the winning team takes away the Title of World Series Champs! You would never know we had other channels on cable from about April-Oct because baseball is ALWAYS on. Since I have met Eric, I have learned to love the sport. Quite frankly, if you ask him, he will tell you that I blow his socks off with the baseball knowledge that I have. Already this year, Eric had to google to make sure I was right because he didn't know the answer! HA! I LOVED it!! So, those of you again who know Eric will know that he played minor league baseball and would go back in a minute if he got "the call". So, when his baseball league starts our weekends are not as we know them anymore---They are lived at the baseball field. I have to admit--I love the game and I LOVE the game with my cute husband catching in it.....
Me and my baseball wife buddy!
"29 and mighty fine"