Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring is in the Air

Spring is probably my favorite time of year.  The air has lost its chill, buds begin to show on the trees and come up from the ground, and everything becomes green again.  Speaking of green, the Jones' have a bit of a green thumb this year.  We have made some changes to our back yard and have a better planned garden.  Eric has spent some much time leveling the ground, gathering rocks from the nearby stream and creating what I know will be an awesome crop in a couple of months

We planted our vegetables and flowers, now it is time to water them and watch them grow!!  The dirt off to the left will hopefully be green grass in a couple of months.

Hurley and Cooper watched us while we did all of the work!

Look at this flower box Eric made me for my birthday.....ANOTHER surprise.  He totally outdid himself.  I couldn't believe that he made it!


Catherine said...

Beth! Love the updates. I'm wayyyy behind too on my blogging.

Your yard, garden, etc look good. And, my, what a handy man you have for a husband! Building a flower planter, a garden, finishing the garage . . . that's my type of guy. Matt is the same way and it's AWESOME! Go you!

Happy belated birthday!!! I hope it was a good one!

And how fun is it to be surprised with a trip to Canon Beach?! Matt has access to a family beach cabin right on Cannon Beach, so we should TOTALLY HOOK UP up there sometime!!!! For free!!!! Now that sounds like fun. What do you think?

Kris said...

That's awesome! I could only see a bit of your yard, but I love the landscaping! I wish we could have a garden this year, but we won't be here to enjoy it!