Friday, September 10, 2010

Coming Soon

It is a good thing that I probably don't have too many followers BECAUSE I haven't had anything for you to "follow". I am making a vow to myself that you will see a spring/summer update THIS weekend. Maci is growing like a weed as well as another little sprout..... so there are many things to catch up on.


Kris said...

I check your blog, but I'm not an "official" follower. :) Are you finally over the morning sickness? I'm feeling well. Go to the doctor next Friday and will probably have my ultra sound scheduled then.

~ Wiles ~ said...

Congrats on the new little "sprout"! I saw your mom and Katherine last Saturday at a Women's Conference here in Louisville/Crestwood. It was so good to see them. All the memories of camp, church activities and just hanging out at your home came flooding back!! It was great!!!! I hope all is well with you and your sweet little family. I'm so excited for you!!!

Katie McLaughlin Wiles