Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Girls have an upperhand now!

Well, as if Eric wasn't out numbered when Maci showed up, he is REALLY going to be out-numbered in March. hehe That's right--We are going to be having another GIRL. I would have sworn I was pregnant with a boy this time, but little did I know. The biggest thing though, the ultrasound shows our little girl is healthy and growing right on schedule:)


Cameron and Cindy said...

Yea! Congrats! You will already be ready! LOVE YOU!

Kris said...

Yay! Congratulations! Macie will love having someone to play dress-up with(or someone to boss around- ha!)! So you are due in March? My official date is Feb. 3. Have you heard what Angie is having? Winter must be a time for girls b/c ALL the women I know having babies the same time as me are having girls. Any ideas of names? We can't seem to agree, so I think we will just not bring up the subject until closer to the time we HAVE to. :) I am getting rid of all my baby boys clothes, so hopefully the u/s wasn't wrong! hee hee. You ARE lucky that all Macie's old clothes will be the perfect season, right size, AND still be in style! I'm sure some things will work for mine, especially the sleepers and such, but Morgan was born in the summer, so I may be needing more than I expect. I guess just another excuse to go shopping. ;)